Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year 2010! :)


  1. She should put the true brand of the lens.
    And y did she said that the item is from GEO LENS ?
    My fren also selling that item and on the bottle / packaging, they put the label of the item : eg ; Geo Lens.
    And how cum she can say that the most important things is the quality ?
    How cum we can trust their product if there is no evidence there ?
    Act, the packging is one part which is we can see that the item is genuine or not.
    So pity u are.
    Fight for your right.
    She's put your name and your url at your site because of she didnt want to lose their customer.

  2. yala no such things as the supplier send the lens 1st and then send the label la.. i am oso selling but no such thing .. normally the supplier send the lens with the label together la... its not ur fault...its her pity..
